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Virtual Learning Commons Resources in D2L: Student Learning Supports

Student Learning Support #1: Learning Skills

Topics Covered:

  • Time Management
  • Procrastination
  • Reading & Writing
  • Note Taking
  • Group Work & Presentations
  • Preparing for Exams




Student Learning Support #2: Information Literacy & Media Literacy Resources

Topics Covered in the Research Process: How to... 
  • Understanding your Assignment 
  • Developing a Research Question
  • Identifying Search Terms
  • Using Databases
  • Locating Books

Topics Covered: How to...

  • Evaluate websites and information sources
  • Find appropriate sources of information (i.e. Primary, Secondary, & Tertiary Sources)
  • Learn about media influences

Topics Covered: How to...

  • Avoid Plagiarism - what is Academic Integrity?
  • Use APA format 
  • Use MLA format
  • Use Chicago style 

Student Learning Support #3: Digital Literacy Tools

Topics Covered: How to...

  • Protect my Identity & Privacy
  • Avoid Online Threats
  • Prevent Cyberbullying
  • Use Social Media Smarts
  • Practice Netiquette
  • Develop my Digital Footprint

Topics Covered: Help using Office365 for...

  • Note taking
  • Collaboration
  • Using Classroom Notebook
  • More information

What are "Learning Skills"?

Learning Skills:
These foundational skills are required by students in order to successful independent and life-long learners.  They directly correspond with learning initiative & self-direction,  productivity & accountability, social & cross-cultural skills, and leadership & responsibility - all elements of Life & Career Skills.  

*These resources also specifically support the Gr. 9 Learning Strategies 1: Skills for Success in Secondary School (GLS1O/GLE1O/GLE2O) course.


Definitions: Information Literacy & Media Literacy

Information Literacy is the ability of students to:
  1. Access information efficiently and effectively
  2. Evaluate information critically and competently
  3. Use information accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand
  4. Manage the flow of information from a variety of sources
  5. Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information 

Source Below:

Media Literacy is the result of study of the art and messaging of various forms of media texts.  It explores the impact and influences of mass media and popular culture by examining texts such as films, songs, video games, action figures, advertisements, CD covers, clothing, billboards, TV shows, magazines, newspapers, photographs, and websites.  Media Literacy engages students as consumers of media.

Sources Below:

Definition: Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy is the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, understand, evaluate, create, and communicate digital information.  This is an ability that requires both cognitive and technical skills.  Digital Literacy focuses on engaging students to participate in digital media in wise, safe, and ethical ways.


Online Support for Teachers

Need help with the VLC?

SUBMIT your question by clicking on the icon above

SOUMETTEZ votre question 


TEXT/TEXTEZ: 613-704-0144

TWEET/TWEETEZ: @ucdsbvlc