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How do I: Develop my Digital Footprint

This guide covers Information, Media, and Digital Literacy concepts and Digital Citizenship for Gr. 9-12 students, as well as teacher and parents.

Develop my Digital Footprint

Licensed under Creative Commons, created by Penny Bentley.

Here's looking at your Digital Footprint

What does your Digital Footprint say about you?

Did you know could have an ePortfolio of your school work?


What is an ePortfolio?

It is an online collection of key samples of your school work.  You keep an ePortfolio to help you reflect on what you have learned and so that you can later share your work samples with others, including potential employers, volunteer organizations, or schools that you apply to.

How do I find my ePortfolio?

It is available via the school board's Desire 2 Learn website.  See the link below.  You will need to use your school login.

Need more information?

Speak with your teacher to find more information, or submit a question via "Ask Us/Demande Moi."

Tools to Manage your Social Media Profiles

Test your Digital Footprint Know-How

Tips for Developing a Positive Digital Footprint

Did you know that having positive and engaging social media profiles that exemplify your qualities & achievements can help you to:

  • Acquire a job, volunteer opportunity, etc.;
  • Gain acceptance into college or university;
  • Receive consideration for special opportunities (e.g. team captain)?