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Kindergarten Four Frame Program: Problem Solving and Innovating

The Kindergarten - Four Frame program is a child-centred, developmentally appropriate, integrated program of learning for four- and five-year-old children. Resources found here to support students and their families.


   The learning encompassed by this frame supports collaborative problem solving and bringing innovative ideas to relationships with others.   

Curriculum Expectations

Young person looking at garden critters with a magnifying glass

This frame encompasses children's learning and development with respect to:

  • exploring the world through natural curiosity, in ways that engage the mind, the senses, and the body;
  • making meaning of their world by asking questions, testing theories, solving problems, and engaging in creative and analytical thinking;
  • the innovative ways of thinking about and doing things that arise naturally with an active curiosity, and applying those ideas in relationships with others, with materials, and with the environment.

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K-Gr. 6: Teacher Resources

I Love Computers!

fluffy bunny, relaxed,  with his feet up on a computer desk

Fun to read

little bear tucked into bed with a book.

Check with your Learning Commons Informationist or public library to see if this title is available to borrow.

Fun Science for Kinders!

Computer Technology

All about COMPUTERS!!

annimated image of a wind-up computer, spitting out numbers

Mouse Practice

  a little white mouse practising on a scooter. 

Activities to help practice mouse manipulation.

Keyboarding Skills

colourful computer keyboard

Activities to practice keyboard skills and alphabet recognition.

iPads & Tablets

iPads & tablets ~ goals for JK/SK students:

-Use the iPad (Drag items across the screen, tap items on the screen)

-vocabulary development

-letter/number/shape/alphabet recognition

-expressive language/speech practice