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Kindergarten Four Frame Program: Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours

The Kindergarten - Four Frame program is a child-centred, developmentally appropriate, integrated program of learning for four- and five-year-old children. Resources found here to support students and their families.


   What children learn in connection with this frame develops their capacity to think critically, to understand and respect many different perspectives,

and to process various kinds of information.   

Curriculum Expectations

owl with school tools, ready to learn

This frame encompasses children's learning and development with respect to:

  • communicating thoughts and feelings – through gestures, physical movements, words, symbols, and representations, as well as through the use of a variety of materials;
  • literacy behaviours, evident in the various ways they use language, images, and materials to express and think critically about ideas and emotions, as they listen and speak, view and represent, and begin to read and write;
  • mathematics behaviours, evident in the various ways they use concepts of number and pattern during play and inquiry; access, manage, create, and evaluate information; and experience an emergent understanding of mathematical relationships, concepts, skills, and processes;
  • an active engagement in learning and a developing love of learning, which can instil the habit of learning for life.

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K-Gr. 6: Teacher Resources

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Books without words....

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Try these wordless books and tell your own story. Check your school's Learning Commons to see if you have them...