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Grade 12 - World History from the 15th Century CHY-4C: The World: SINCE 1900

World History since theFifteenth Century, Grade 12 - both CHY4U & CHY4C. Students will explore social, economic, and political changes, the historical roots of contemporary issues, and the role of conflict and cooperation in global interrelationships.

Suggested Databases - UCDSB: Virtual Learning Common's

Suggested Databases:with multi-media, videos

Presentation Tools : Let's Get Started

Early Exploration - Canada

Canadian developments in world history context: On this Date in Canada:1900

JUNE 01, 1908


Anne, the house with gables green is published


Anne ... the house with green gables , a novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery , originally from Prince Edward Island, has met with dazzling success in North America. Now translated into more than 36 languages ​​and with more than 50 million copies sold worldwide, it remains an iconic work of Canadian literature to this day .

he Sixties Scoop Begins-1960's


The “Sixties Scoop” begins after amendments to the Indian Act give provinces jurisdiction over Indigenous child welfare. Over the following decades, more than 20,000 First NationMétis and Inuit children are “scooped” from their homes and adopted into predominantly non-Indigenous families, leaving many adoptees with a lost sense of cultural identity.

The British House of Commons passed the Canada Act of 1982. It was adopted by the House of Lords on March 25. The Act ended British legislative jurisdiction over Canada. Queen Elizabeth II signed the proclamation in Ottawa on April 17.


Canada Act Passed-1982

JANUARY 01, 1996


Gordon Residential School Closes


The last Indian residential school closes its doors. Claims for Recognition and Compensation Lead to Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreementin 2007, then on an official apology from the federal government the following year. In total, an estimated 150,000 Métis , Inuit and First Nations children attended residential schools.

Introduction:: 1901-1999 Competent historical thinkers understand both the vast differences that separate us from our ancestors and the ties that bind us to them; they can analyze historical artifacts and documents.Historical thinking does not replace his

This period has been marked by military conflict but has also seen large-scale social reform and increasing awareness of individual rights.   “What have been the most significant social movements in different regions during this period? What impact have they had?” 

World War 1 - The war to end all wars

Journey to Justice - NFB

This documentary pays tribute to a group of Canadians who took racism to court. They are Canada's unsung heroes in the fight for Black civil rights. Focusing on the 1930s to the 1950s, this film documents the struggle of 6 people who refused to accept inequality. Featured here, among others, are Viola Desmond, a woman who insisted on keeping her seat at the Roseland movie theatre in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia in 1946 rather than moving to the section normally reserved for the city's Black population, and Fred Christie, who took his case to the Supreme Court after being denied service at a Montreal tavern in 1936. These brave pioneers helped secure justice for all Canadians. Their stories deserve to be told.

1918-Spanish Influenza Epidemic

Possibly the most devastating epidemic in human history, which may have originated in Funston, Kansas, spread through Europe and the world, killing some 30 million people, including about 50 000 Canadians. The virus arrived with servicemen on board the ship Araguaya at Halifax. The first civilian outbreak in Canada occurred on September 8, 1918.

Telephone operators during the Spanish flu

Framing Question: Why might some people and countries fear globalization?


The WWII-era slogan—We're All In This Together!—included students just like yours on the Home Front. Tune in to WYES and The National WWII Museum's electronic field trip all about the lives of students during World War II. Follow student reporters as they explore the Museum, learn about rationing, grow a Victory garden, dance the jitterbug, and collect scrap for the war effort.

Women Granted Suffrage


Mothers, sisters, and wives of soldiers, along with women in the military, were granted the right to vote federally under the Wartime Elections Act and Military Voters Act. More women received the right to vote in federal elections the following year. However, racialized women did not begin to receive the right to vote until the late-1940s.

Statute of Westminster is Passed

The Statute of Westminster received royal assent after being passed by the British Parliament. By establishing complete legislative equality between the parliaments of Britain and Canada, it is the closest Canada has come to a declaration of independence.

Exploring Biographies

 Analyse the goals, methods, and accomplishments of various significant individuals and groups who have contributed to the evolution of human rights in different regions during this period (e.g., Isabel Allende, Chen Duxiu, Mohandas Gandhi, Václav Havel, Hu Jia, Jomo Kenyatta, Martin Luther King Jr., Stephen Lewis, Sylvia Pankhurst, Queen Raina of Jordan, Oscar Romero, Eleanor Roosevelt, Aung San Suu Kyi, or Desmond Tutu; Amnesty International, the International Criminal Court, the International Red Cross / Red Crescent Societies, or the United Nations) 

  To describe a variety of developments in science and/or technology during this period (e.g., developments in household appliances, motion pictures, radio and television, automobiles, airplanes, satellites and space travel technologies, computers and cellular technologies, reproductive technologies, medicine or biotechnology, mechanization or robotics, weapons, renewable energy), and assess their impact 

Suggested Databases:: Exploring Biographies and their contributions

Key Terms - Define and Explain

 Describe forms of government in various countries during this period (e.g., democracy, theocracy, monarchy, autocracy, dictatorship, military junta), and explain the political beliefs and/or ideologies that underpinned them (e.g., anarchism, conservatism, fascism, Nazism, Marxist-Leninism, Maoism, nationalism, neoliberalism, secularism)

Analyse the extent to which the social, political, and/or economic roles and status of women have changed in various countries or regions during this period (e.g., with reference to the family, including birth rates, domestic work, access to birth control or abortion; the labour force, including equal pay for equal work, employment in sweatshops or maquiladoras; politics, including the right to vote, representation in governing bodies; violence against women, such as rape, domestic violence, female infanticide, female genital mutilation; access to education; the role of and attitudes towards women in religious institutions) 

TED Talk

Key Terms - Define and Explain

Describe a variety of developments in science and/or technology during this period (e.g., developments in household appliances, motion pictures, radio and television, automobiles, airplanes, satellites and space travel technologies, computers and cellular technologies, reproductive technologies, medicine or biotechnology, mechanization or robotics, weapons, renewable energy), and assess their impact 

Analyse some significant interactions between diverse groups during this period, including those characterized by violence and/or deprivation of rights as well as those characterized by cooperation (e.g., with reference to segregation in the American South; apartheid in South Africa; residential school systems; the Holocaust, the Holodomor, and/or the Armenian, Rwandan, or Srebrenican genocides; political repression in Chile, El Salvador, Iran, or Zimbabwe; forced labour in Soviet gulags, Nazi concentration camps, or Chinese “re-education camps”; cooperation through international courts of justice, the United Nations, foreign aid) 

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Gr. 9-12: How do I cite my sources?

Gr. 9-12: How do I share & stay safe online?