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Grade 11: Housing and Home Design (HLS30): Creating and Maintaining Living Spaces

This guide provides resources to support student as they learn a range of issues related to housing and home design.

Suggested Databases

VLC Bookmark

Logins for all VLC databases are found on the back of the VLC Bookmark.

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How to write an essay

Think about it.....

Home maintenance

What would happen if missing roof shingles were not promptly replaced?

Why is it important to properly caulk a bathtub/shower?

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Suggested search terms for Destiny:

  • floor plan 
  • traffic patterns 
  • window coverings 
  • detached housing 
  • semi-detached housing 
  • transitional housing 
  • mortgage 
  • lien
  • escrow


Think about it....

home building

What types of professionals are involved in the development, design, construction, and purchase of a new home? 

Which are involved in home maintenance?

Gr. 9-12: Ask Us/Demande Moi

Gr. 9-12: How do I start my research?

Gr. 9-12: How do I cite my sources?

Get Organized


Inspiration software

Don't forget the Inspiration software found on all UCDSB computers.

This program is for visual learning:

graphic organizers, concept mapping, mind mapping, outlining, webbing, and plots and graphs.