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Grade 11: Housing and Home Design (HLS30)
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Grade 11: Housing and Home Design (HLS30): Introduction
This guide provides resources to support student as they learn a range of issues related to housing and home design.
Research and Inquiry Skills
Housing Needs
Social, Economic, and Legal Considerations
Creating and Maintaining Living Spaces
Ontario Curriculum
Ontario Curriculum
For Housing and Home Design (HLS30) please see page 134.
First Nations, Métis and Inuit Connections--Scope and Sequence of Expectations--secondary
Social Science and Humanities expectations begin on pg. 159
Gr. 9-12: Teacher Resources
More teacher resources
Gr. 9-12: Send us your work
Get an Overview: Reference Sources
Britannica High School Edition
This link opens in a new window
Reference articles, journals, magazines, websites, multimedia, and curriculum content for high school students. Includes dictionary, atlas and student workspace.
Canadian Oxford English Dictionaries
This dictionary link can help you define the words you may not know.
Ontario Job Futures
Learn about different jobs related to housing, construction, the trades, real estate, and more!
Canadian Job Bank
What do the employment opportunities for construction, interior design, or architectural design look like? Search for real jobs now!
Fun stuff!
Little Boxes--Lyric transcript
Gr. 9-12: Games & Databases
Gr. 9-12: How do I share & stay safe online?
Learning Commons Informationist
Richard Halfyard
Research and Inquiry Skills >>