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British Home Children: British Home Children Literature

British Home Children were impoverish youngsters between infancy and 18 years of age who were sent to British Colonies by philanthropic groups. British Home Children were sent to Canada between the 1860's and the 1940's. .


Allan Thompson, BHC descendant

Article in Kincardine News April 6 2017

Article in Reviews in History on the book "Empire's Children: Child Emigration, Welfare, and the Decline of the British World, 1869–1967"



Poetry about British Home Children

The Little Immigrants

We really didn’t want to come

And leave our British home

“You’ll find a better life”,

They said, “An end to strife

       In this land Canada across the sea”

We packed our few remaining things

Into wooden boxes tied with strings

Then went aboard a ship at the pier

And waved good-bye to people there

       As we sailed to Canada across the sea

We travelled weeks and then arrived

Were greeted by people at dock-side

Who took little hands, led us off the ship

And thus we began the last part of our trip

       In this land called Canada across the sea

For years we walked silently among you

We worked, we married, and our families grew

But our stories lay buried, deep in the past

'til faithful descendants unearthed them at last

      In our new home, Canada across the sea

 Carolyn Thompson Goddard, May 19 2011

British Home Children Documentaries


This song, entitled  Frederick Shortt's Lament is sung by Marion Parsons, with video pictures of British Home Children made by Lori Oschefski

