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Grade 11: Music: Introduction

Curriculum based information on music, its theory, its genre and practice and how music effects the world around us.

Ontario Ministry of Education


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Introduction to Grade 11 Music

Grade 11 Music develops students’ musical literacy through performance and the preparation and presentation of music productions. Students will perform works at a level consistent with previous experience and ability. Students use and develop current technology and the creative and critical analysis processes to plan, produce, present, and market musical productions. Students will respond to, reflect on, and analyze music from various genres and periods, and they will develop skills transferable to other aspects of their life and their careers.

Music in the real World- Coalition for Music Education

Grade 11 Music

Gr. 9-12: Games & Databases

Gr. 9-12: How do I start my research?

Mary Hills- Learning Commons Informationist UCDSB

Suggested search terms for Grade 11 Music

Recommended search terms for Grade 11 Music

  • Composition
  • Instruments
  • Conducting
  • Music theory
  • Music history
  • Music culture
  • Technology
  • Musicals
  • Music genres