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Grade 1: Language: Writing

A selection of resources available to support teaching and learning the Ontario Curriculum expectations for Grade 1 Language.

Suggested Databases

Books with story ideas

Top Picks

Use of Form and Style in Writing

Writing Practice

Read Alouds From Youtube

Check out these books on Sora!

Games & Databases

K-Gr. 6: Ask Us/Demande Moi

K-Gr. 6: How do I find out about my topic?

Organize your ideas:

What is Mind-Mapping?

Mind mapping is a way to organize your ideas. It is used to help you brainstorm ideas. Brainstorming is just thinking of creative ideas to help you answer a question or solve a problem.

Mind Mapping Tools for You:

Inspiration software

Don't forget Inspiration and Kidspiration software found on all UCDSB computers.  This program is for visual learning: 

graphic organizers, concept mapping, mind mapping, outlining, webbing, and plots and graphs.

Sora, eBooks and Audiobooks

Check Sora regularly for new additions and featured themed collections

For access to even MORE eBooks & audiobooks - go to the VLC Games & Databases page - eBooks!