Journals and reference sources covering the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and many other subjects.
French/English. A comprehensive and authoritative general Canadian reference work. Also includes quizzes, games, multimedia, and links to other resources.
Access 26,000 government documents from the collection of the Ontario Legislative Library. Simple searching, or browse by titles, by ministry/agency, authors, subjects, or years.
The Canadian Social Studies Super SiteThis is a limited annotated list of websites for Canadian social studies educators, and those interested in Canada, carefully examined for their quality and use.
Created by the Historica Foundation and posted free, this site is an authoriative guide for Canadian biographies, historical and political information and includes exerpts from Maclean's magazine.
Ontario Skills Passport - The Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) provides clear descriptions of Essential Skills and work habits important for success in work, learning and life.