Journals and reference sources covering the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and many other subjects.
French/English. A comprehensive and authoritative general Canadian reference work. Also includes quizzes, games, multimedia, and links to other resources.
Access 26,000 government documents from the collection of the Ontario Legislative Library. Simple searching, or browse by titles, by ministry/agency, authors, subjects, or years.
This 150 page ebook on the Elections Canada website is a complete guide to the history of voting in Canada. It can be downloaded or read online and has a search button to guide reader's to a specific topic.
Canada's World was a collaborative project [2007-2010]between 15 universities and over 40 organizations with one big goal -- to engage Canadians and nontraditonal voices in an ongoing conversation about what we wanted our nation's role in the world to be.