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Grade 10: Civics and Citizenship: Introduction

This course explores rights and responsibilities associated with being an active citizen in a democratic society.

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WELCOME to the Virtual Learning Commons subject guide for Grade 10 Canadian and World Studies - Civics and Citizenship

The aim of this guide is to provide you with a collection of pertinent websites, videos, podcasts, interactive activities, books, and tablet App suggestions to assist you in understanding your course subject matter and completing your assignments.

This guide was designed to reflect the learning expectations outlined in the Ontario Curriculum documents. The individual strands that will be covered can be accessed from the Civics Page by clicking on the links:

  • Political Inquiry and Skill Development
  • Civic Awareness
  • Civic Engagement and Action

If you have any questions concerning this topic or any other research related concerns, please feel free to contact us through the Homework Help "Ask Us."  A Learning Commons Informationist (LCI) will be on call and answers should be provided within 24 hours. You also have the ability to comment on the usefulness of sites provided, and to suggest other resources that you have found beneficial.

Your feedback is wanted and appreciated. It will contribute greatly to constructing and maintaining guides that meet, and hopefully exceed, your information requirements.

Get an Overview: Reference Sources

Recommended search terms

political inquiry, civics, citizenship, political thinking, democracy, Canadian government, civic contribution, political significance

Citizenship Challenge

Historica Canada: Women's History Month

Gr. 9-12: Games & Databases

Gr. 9-12: How do I share & stay safe online?

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