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Sq'ad'adang : UCDSB Indigenous Poster Project for Teaching & Learning: For Community - June

In Haida, the word for "teach" & "learn" is the same. You cannot teach without continuing to learn. We do not distinguish between the two

Sharing with our UCDSB Community

Métis cabin

Cultural Moon Teachings & Calendar Events - June

For the Algonquin, the moon for June is, "Strawberry Moon".
Strawberries are also important to the Mohawk peoples.  The Strawberry Ceremony comes Middle of June and lasts 1 day


13 Moons Resource - GoodMinds

Learn more about our

Indigenous Leadership Program

What's Happening in UCDSB?!

Stay Tuned for More Photos & Highlights From the Month

Stay tuned for highlights from the month, across our Board & Communities!
If you have an item to share, you can email us at

Strawberry Moon & Ceremony

National Indigenous History Month and

Indigenous People's Day - June 21 

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