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Sq'ad'adang : UCDSB Indigenous Poster Project for Teaching & Learning: For Community - January

In Haida, the word for "teach" & "learn" is the same. You cannot teach without continuing to learn. We do not distinguish between the two

Sharing with our UCDSB Community

Métis cabin

Cultural Moon Teachings & Calendar Events - January

For the many Algonquin people, the moon for January is "Big Spirit Moon"

For Mohawk people, Midwinter is the second week in January and lasts for approximately eight days.

January 4 - National Ribbon Skirt Day

January 29 - February  24 - Arctic Winter Games - Wood Buffalo 2023


13 Moons Resource - GoodMinds


Learn more about our

Indigenous Leadership Program

Feryn King - iLead - January 14 & 15, 2025

Feryn King - IndigaDancer

Feryn King on Instagram

Stay tuned for highlights from the month, across our Board & Communities!
If you have an item to share, you can email us at

great spirit moon, reflected on water.


The first moon of Creation is Spirit Moon. It is manifested through the northern lights. It is a time to honour the silence and realize our place within all of Great Mystery’s creatures.

Muskrat Magazine

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