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Sq'ad'adang : UCDSB Indigenous Poster Project for Teaching & Learning: For Teachers - November

In Haida, the word for "teach" & "learn" is the same. You cannot teach without continuing to learn. We do not distinguish between the two

Resources & Events for Teachers

Haida Longhouse

Cultural Moon Teachings & Calendar Events - November

For the Algonquin, November is the time for the  "Frost Moon" or "Freezing Over Moon" and the "Whitefish Moon".

Mohawk peoples acknowledge Thunder again at this time of year. 


13 Moons Resource - GoodMinds

November is Indigenous Disabilities Awareness Month

November 6th - 12th - Treaties Recognition Week

November 7th - Inuit Day

November 8th - Indigenous Veteran's Day

Nov 14-18 Rock - Your Mocs Week

November 16th - Louis Riel Day


Treaty Week - Nov 6-12

Inuit Day November 7

Have you booked a Cultural Advisor yet?  This would be a great opportunity to invite an Inuit Cultural Advisor to speak with your class.  Please ask your LCI to find out how.

Louis Riel Day-- November 16


Inuit Day November 7

Have you booked a Cultural Advisor yet?  This would be a great opportunity to invite an Inuit Cultural Advisor to speak with your class.  Please ask your LCI to find out how.

Indigenous Veterans Day - November 8

Louis Riel Day - November 16

Rock Your Mocs Week November 13-19

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