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Sq'ad'adang : UCDSB Indigenous Poster Project for Teaching & Learning: For Students - October

In Haida, the word for "teach" & "learn" is the same. You cannot teach without continuing to learn. We do not distinguish between the two

Resources & Events for Students

Inuit igloo

Cultural Moon Teachings & Calendar Events - October

For the Algonquin, October is the Leaves Falling Moon. 

For Mohawk peoples, the  Harvest Ceremony takes place in the middle of October and last for 4 days.


13 Moons Resource - GoodMinds

October 4  National Day of Action for MMIW, Girls and 2SLGBTQ+ People

October 25th - Haldimand Treaty of 1784

October 26th - iLead (Secondary Students)

Did you know?


The green colour represents the orignal agreement for the Haldimand Treaty.

The Six Nations Reserve is the land that is recognized today.

What do you notice?

Map of oriiginal tract of land for Haldimand Treaty, and area as it exists today.


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Indigenous Leadership Program

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Haldimand Proclaimation - October 24


National Day of Action for MMIW, Girls  and 2SLGBTQ+ People - October 4