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Grade 1: Science: Needs & Characteristics of Living Things

A collection of activities, websites and resources to help support the Ontario, Grade 1 Science curriculum!

Curriculum Expectations


Big Ideas:

• Living things grow, take in food to create energy, make waste, and reproduce.
• Plants and animals, including people, are living things.
• Living things have basic needs (air, water, food, and shelter) that are met from the environment.
• Different kinds of living things behave in different ways.
• All living things are important and should be treated with care and respect.


1. assess the role of humans in maintaining a healthy environment;
2. investigate needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including humans;
3. demonstrate an understanding of the basic needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including humans.

Check out our great resources & databases...

VLC Bookmark

Logins for all VLC databases are found on the back of the VLC Bookmark.

Talk to your LCI today!

K-Gr. 6: Send us your work

All about living things....

Some experiments to try in your class or at home!

Book Suggestions

Visit your public library or pay a visit to your school's learning commons to see if they have these or similar books.

K-Gr. 6: Ask Us/Demande Moi

K-Gr. 6: How do I find out about my topic?

Organize your ideas:

Mind Mapping Tools for You:

Kidspiration software

Don't forget the kidspiration software found on all UCDSB computers.  This program is for visual learning: 

graphic organizers, concept mapping, mind mapping, outlining, webbing, and plots and graphs.

Pixie 3 Software

Pixie is creativity software elementary students can use to share their learning through text, original artwork, voice, and images. It can be found on all UCDSB computers!

K-Gr. 6: Games & Databases