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Remembrance Day (7-12): South African War/Boer War

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Timeline - Boer War

History Mole Timeline - The Boer War (1900- 1902)

Boer War Publications

The Boer War (BBC Documentary)

Canada A People's History - CBC Learning

Click on the above image to learn more.

Boer War Remembered

Boer War - Documentary

Gr. 9-12: Ask Us/Demande Moi

Introduction: Canadian War Museum - Canada and the South African War (Boer War 1899-1902)


The South African War (1899-1902) or, as it is also known, the Boer War, marked Canada's first official dispatch of troops to an overseas war.                                                                        

Boer War - Canada- Medals

Local Author and UCDSB Teacher pens book on Boer War

Drift by Leo Brent Robillard

Paardeberg, South Africa is far from the Canadian prairies. In 1899, best friends from the small town of Portage la Prairie, Will and Mason, sign up with the Winnipeg Rifles’ “A” Company to fight in the Second Boer War. Here they meet Robert, the silent anthropologist from Alberta with a mystery he isn’t revealing; Claire, an Australian nurse, chafing under her parents’ glass ceiling; and Campbell Scott, a rebellious veteran with an African wife and a hot air balloon requisitioned by the army for spying.

Gr. 9-12: How do I start my research?

Gr. 9-12: How do I cite my sources?