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Grade 8: Geography: Introduction

Grade 8 Geography studies Earth's physical properties and processes and the effect it has on human settlement as well as environmental, global and economic development and the quality of life.

Ontario Curriculum Grade 8 Geography

Gr. 7-8: Teacher Resources

Environmental influences on settlement

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations

Gr. 7-8: Send us your work

Introduction to Grade 8 Geography

In Grade 8 geography, students will learn about Earth’s physical features and progressions as it relates to human settlement patterns and environment around the world. They will focus on human settlement, global development and the quality of life.  Students will learn to use new types of maps and graphs, including choropleth maps, scatter graphs, and population pyramids, all in the study of various geographic issues.

There are two strands for Grade 8 Geography:

Global Settlements: Patterns  and Sustainability

Global Inequalities: Economic development and quality of Life

Each strand and the information needed for these strands are available through this Grade 8 Geography  libguide. Please contact your Learning Commons Informationist for more information.

NASA and Climate in the Real World

Have fun with games on World Geography

Gr. 7-8: Games & Databases

Gr. 7-8: How do I share & stay safe online?

Mary Hills- Learning Commons Informationist UCDSB