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Grade 11-12 Physics: Gr. 11 University Prep. (SPH3U)

This guide for Gr. 11-12 Physics is under construction - additional resources per specific course will be made available. For more information please talk to your LCI.

Suggested Databases

VLC Bookmark

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Welcome to the Grade 11 Physics - University Preparation (SPH3U) Subject Guide

This course covers the basic concepts of physics. The following ideas will be explored:

  • Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration focusing on the fields of study covered in this course (eg. theoretical physicist; communications, networks, and control systems professional; engineer; and metallurgist)
  • Kinematics - linear motion
  • Forces - including Newton's laws of motion
  • Energy and Society
  • Waves and Sound
  • Electricity and Magnetism


Want to learn more?

Gr. 9-12: Ask Us/Demande Moi

Gr. 9-12: How do I start my research?

Gr. 9-12: How do I cite my sources?