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ESL: Grade 1-6: Home - Fun with ESL

A guide full of resources to help our English learners in grade 1-6, as they learn English. Includes information that may be of help for their families too!

Ontario Curriculum

K-Gr. 6: Teacher Resources

More Teacher Resources

Parent Resources

K-Gr. 6: Send us your work

Spoken Words

Building Blocks to Language - Great Websites & Resources

More Fun!!

A super silly way to fill in the blanks!

Create a funny Mad Libs story by filling in the blanks with adjectives, verbs, and nouns floating on the screen.

K-Gr. 6: Ask Us/Demande Moi

K-Gr. 6: Games & Databases

K-Gr. 6: How do I share & stay safe online?

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Marg Mannseichner
Lead - Learning Commons
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