Spring Time Words
English translation of Mohawk words used in the video
lokennó:ron - rainy
loráhkote - sunny
Otsi'nonwa'shón:'a - bugs
óhente - grass
Otsi'tsa'shón:'a - flowers
8 March 2023
Holi - Hindu Festival of Colour
Note: Spring Songs for Children YouTube video from The Learning Station includes lyrics.
Spring into the season with these VLC Databases
Keyword: spring (printemps)
Note: This video is primarily in the Mohawk language. Both the closed caption and transcript options available do not recognize the Mohawk terms and have therefore assigned the closest English words and pronunciations, resulting in an incoherent and unuseable text. The terms have been written as part of the video alongside their corresponding images; however, the English translations are only spoken.
kahrhá:kon – forest
Wáhta ó:kwire – maple tree
Aotiharennawèn:ta – sap
Ka’nahkowá:nen – big pot
Tenhahnekóntiehte – He will boil it
Wáhta óshes – maple syrup
Kanonhsésne – at the longhouse
Tenhontenonhwerá:ton – They give thanks
Iorontokhá:’on – sap is running from the tree
When the sap starts to flow.....
Here’s a list of sugar bushes near Ottawa and Gatineau that have web sites. You should check the web site or call ahead to make sure they’re open for business.