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Elizabethan England
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Shakespeare: Elizabethan England
This guide provides an overview of Shakespeare's plays, Elizabethan England, and Mr. Shakespeare himself.
The Plays
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A Midsummer Night's Dream
Comedy of Errors
Julius Caesar
King Lear
Merchant of Venice
Richard III
Romeo and Juliet
The Taming of the Shrew
Twelfth Night
The Tempest
Elizabethan England
Queen Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I Biography
BBC's Elizabeth I biography
Divine Right of Kings
Elizabeth I, Shakespeare's Patron
Britannica High School Edition
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Reference articles, journals, magazines, websites, multimedia, and curriculum content for high school students. Includes dictionary, atlas and student workspace.
Literature Resource Center
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Biographical information, overviews, criticism and reviews on writers in all disciplines, from all periods and from around the world.
Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot
Straftord: Country Life & Character in Elizabethan England
Warwickshire - County Records Office
Life and Times in Elizabethan England
What's going on?
Elizabethan style & architecture
What was England like?
Elizabethan England
Civil War and Revolution
Tudors and Stuarts
Stuart England History
Diseases in Shakespeare's London
The Plague
Elizabethan Architecture
Elizabethan Costuming
Elizabethan guide
Life in Elizabethan England
Life in Shakespeare's London
The Poor in Elizabethan England
The Elizabethan Era
King James I
James I Biography
BBC's James I biography
Divine Right of Kings
Shakespeare and the Gunpowder Plot
What's Going On: Guy Fawkes Day!
BBC News: Why do bonfires still burn 400 years later?