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Grade 7-8 Health & Phys. Ed.: Introduction

This guide contains resources to support the grade 7/8 Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculum.

Gr. 7-8: Teacher Resources

More teacher resources for grade 7/8 health and physical education

1. Select "Teaching Tools"
2. Options - Lesson Plans, Supplements and Activities
3. Select Lesson Plans and H&P Elementary Resources
4. Select Grade
5. Create account/sign in
6. Options - Healthy Living, Human development&Sexual Health, Fitness Building Activites, Indoor/outdoor games, Movement Exploration.

Gr. 7-8: Send us your work


Be active - at home, at school, at play - inside or outside

with family or friends. You'll have more energy, feel

healthy and strong, and good about yourself!

Tips To Get Active!

Health and physical education in the Real World

MyHealth magazine

Please see your school's LCI for registration information

Gr. 7-8: Games & Databases

Gr. 7-8: How do I share & stay safe online?

Learning Commons Informationist