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Grade 1: Health & Phys Ed: Healthy Eating

Resources and activities to help you navigate the Ontario Health Curriculum for Grade 1-3

Check out our databases....

VLC Bookmark

Logins for all VLC databases are found on the back of the VLC Bookmark.

Talk to your LCI today!


Image of food guide 2019 guidelines. Half a plate of vegetables and fruits, one quarter plate of protein foods, one quarter plate of grain foods  


Check out this Free iPad App.....

Space Chef

Have you tried Hawaiian Turkey Sliders? Quesadilla Con Huevos? How about a Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Shake? Space Chef has and he wants you to try them too! Unlock food factoids, discover new Space Chef robots, and have access to over 60 healthy recipes.

Some books you might enjoy...

Visit your public library or pay a visit to your school's learning commons to see if they have these or similar books.

K-Gr. 6: Ask Us/Demande Moi

K-Gr. 6: Send us your work
