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Grade 9: Expressions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Cultures (NAC10): Creating and Presenting

Resources to help support the course work and learning of NAC10, Expressions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Cultures.

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Suggested search terms for Destiny:

  • Composition
  • Design
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Mixed Media
  • Colour Theory
  • First Nations
  • Métis
  • Inuit

Organize your ideas:

What is Mind-Mapping?

Mind mapping is a way to organize your ideas. It is used to help you brainstorm ideas. Brainstorming is just thinking of creative ideas to help you answer a question or solve a problem.

Mind Mapping Tools for You:

Inspiration software

Don't forget Inspiration and Kidspiration software found on all UCDSB computers.  This program is for visual learning: 

graphic organizers, concept mapping, mind mapping, outlining, webbing, and plots and graphs.

Ask Us/Demande Moi

Gr. 9-12: How do I cite my sources?