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Grade 12: World History Since the 15th Century CHY4U
Historical Inquiry and Skill Development
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Grade 12: World History Since the 15th Century CHY4U: Historical Inquiry and Skill Development
This course traces major developments and events in world history since approximately 1450.
Historical Inquiry and Skill Development
The World, 1450-1650
The World, 1650-1789
The World, 1789-1900
The World Since 1900
Ontario Curriculum
Canadian and World Studies, Grades 11 & 12
Scope and Sequence of Expectations Relating to Treaties and Land Claims (Sec-2022)
Ontario Treaties Maps (2020)
First Nations, Metis and Inuit Connections: Scope and Sequence of Expectations-- Secondary
Why study history?
Think Like a Historian: Working with Primary Source Evidence
Think Like a Historian: Working with Primary Source Evidence (click on the image to follow)
Historical Thinking- Is the evidence credible?
Historical Inquiry
Primary and Secondary Sources
Think Like a Historian
Gr. 9-12 Ask Us/Demande Moi
Gr. 9-12 How do I cite my sources?
Gr. 9-12 How do I start my research?
How to do well in an online course
How do I: Do well in an Online Course?
Suggestions for the successful completion of an online course.
The World, 1450-1650 >>