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Grade 4-6: French
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Grade 4-6: French: Reading
Bienvenue aux eleves de 4e a la 6e annee ! Venez parler et apprendre en francais.
The Start
Britannica Elementary School Edition
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Do your search in English and then click on the translate button to read your article in French! Ask you LCI for help.
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TFO Apprendre à la maison
Coucou (Telequebec)
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Zone des Petits (Radio Canada)
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Appropriate for students in Kindergarten to Gr. 3, CBC's Radio Canada provides French games, videos, and activities to support early French language learners.
Zone Jeunesse (Radio Canada)
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Learn more with Curio - French/English - CBC & Radio Canada videos, teacher guides aligned to curriculum. Includes News in Review
Find more databases
I need a dictionary - J'ai besoin un dictionnaire
Dictionnaire visuel
A visual dictionary to find the French word from the picture.
Dictionnaire anglais-francais
To translate from English to French
Dictionaire des synonymes
Find synonyms of French words
Dictionnaire francais
Find the definition of French words
Dictionnaire des couleurs
Find all the colors in French.
Top Picks
Du plaisir a lire
Viens t'amuser avec nous!
Reading A-Z - French Leveled Books
Storybooks Canada - French
Want to learn more?
Sam amuse
Niveau scolaire pour un élève en immersion française
Jeux educatifs
Jeux en ligne pour enfants de 7 / 10 ans.
MAXETOM pour jouer et apprendre
Venez jouer et apprendre avec les jeux de Maxetom !
Des exercises éducatifs pour tous
A free illustrated children's books app. Allows parents to keep track of their child's reading progress.
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K-Gr. 6: Ask Us/Demande Moi
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Growth Mindset
K-Gr. 6: How do I find out about my topic?
K-Gr. 6: How do I create & cite my work?
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