Important words to know
Use a dictionary to learn the meaning of these words:
axis, tilt, rotation, revolution, planets, moons, comets, asteroids
Logins for all VLC databases are found on the back of the VLC Bookmark.
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Please check out your Learning Commons for these books and more. If these books are not available--please visit your Learning Commons Informationist to help you find a print or eBook that will meet your needs and interests.
Suggested Search Terms for Destiny
asteroid, astronaut, astronomer, black hole, Canadarm, comets, constellations, Earth, International Space Station, Jupiter, Lunar Rover, Mars, Mars Rover, Mercury, moon, NASA, Neptune, planets, satellite,Saturn, solar system, space, space shuttle, space travel, stars, sun, telescope, universe, Uranus, Venus
People around the world followed Commander Chris Hadfield as he tweeted from the International Space Station, now we can continue to follow him since he has returned to earth.
He continues to post really cool pictures from space, as well as current things happening 'out of this world!'
Inspiration software
Don't forget the Inspiration software found on all UCDSB computers.
This program is for visual learning:
graphic organizers, concept mapping, mind mapping, outlining, webbing, and plots and graphs.
Use this checklist to help you cite your sources!