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Grade 4: Science
The Start
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Grade 4: Science: The Start
THE place to find information, homework help, fun facts, videos, games and all things cool in science!
The Start
Rocks and Minerals
Habitats and Communities
Pulleys and Gears
Light and Sound
Ontario Curriculum Guide Science Grade 1-8
Science Grade 1-8
K-Gr. 6: Teacher Resources
Parent Resources
12 ways to develop your child's organizational skills
Some great tips to develop your child's organizational skills.
K-Gr. 6: How do I share & stay safe online?
What is Science?
Click HERE to find out what science is!
Rocks and minerals
Pulleys and gears
Light and sound
Print It!
Light and Color
Here's a fun wordsearch to do and print.
Planet Earth
Learning Commons Informationist
Kim Vandesande
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K-Gr. 6: Games & Databases
K-Gr. 6: Send us your work
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