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Grade 9: Science: Introduction

This guide provides information for students in Grade 9 Applied or Academic Science in Ontario.

Ontario Curriculum

Science Videos

Gr. 9-12: Teacher Resources

More Teacher Resources

What's the difference between quantitative and qualitative data?
Quantitative data is numbers-based data instead of data based on what you think, feel, or observe. For example, instead of saying a "looks" brighter than b, if you measure the light intensity of a and b, you have quantitative data you can compare.
Google's free Science Journal app makes it easy for students to collect quantitative data as part of their experiments. We have suggestions for simple experiments to help you and your students explore the app:

Get Science! Some Cool Science Stuff

Get Science! More traditional presentation of science topics here

Gr. 9-12: Games & Databases

Gr. 9-12: How do I share & stay safe online?

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