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Grade 11: Dramatic Arts: Introduction

Grade 11 drama encompasing the history of theatre, acting techniques, auditioning practies and resources for students and teachers.

Ontario Curriculum

Gr. 9-12: Ask Us/Demande Moi

Gr. 9-12: Games & Databases

Gr. 9-12: Teacher Resources

Introduction to Dramatic Arts

Grade 11 Dramatic Arts requires students to create and perform in dramatic presentations. Students will analyse, interpret, and perform dramatic works from various cultures and time periods. Students will research various acting styles and conventions that could be used in their presentations, and analyse the functions of playwrights, directors, actors,designers, technicians, and audience

Drama Exercises for the Classroom

Suggested Search Terms for Drama Grade 11

Suggested Search Terms for Grade 11 Dramatic Arts

  • Acting
  • Drama
  • Improvisation
  • Theatre
  • Scripts
  • Character Development
  • Resumes
  • Method Acting

Gr. 9-12: How do I start my research?

Gr. 9-12: Send us your work

Gr. 9-12: How do I share & stay safe online?