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Quick Guide to the VLC for Online Students (Grade 9-12): Home

The no-nonsense, bare-bones, emergency guide to using the VLC for online students, with essential information and links, citation help, research tips and resources, assignment support and online homework help.

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All our tips, strategies and shortcuts can be found at How do I...? 9-12 - Improve My Learning Skills

All the tools you need to do research, stay safe online, cite your sources, and learn about media influences can be found at How do I...? 9-12

4 Basic Steps

1. Does the VLC have a subject guide for your course? Subject guides contain  links to databases, websites, videos, apps and interactive games specific to each course.

  1. Go to the 9-12 zone
  2. Locate the subject in the column on the right-hand side
  3. Find your course using the drop down menu

2. Have you searched the VLC databases and eBooks for current information on your subject or topic?

  1. Go to the Games & Databases Page
  2. Locate the subject in the drop down 'All Subjects' box (left-hand side - hint, all the related subject guides will be listed on the top right-hand side of the page)
  3. Search through the databases - you will find lots of relevant information! (make sure you have a VLC bookmark with all the usernames/passwords - ask your LCI)

Not sure how to use the databases?  We have a video for lots of information on strategies & techniques. 

2 1/2. OK, now you can search Google.  But make sure to find the right type of information, and evaluate it using the CRAAP test!

3. Make sure to cite your work!

  1. Review the information on citation styles & academic honesty
  2. The databases will automatically generate citations.  Look for the 'Cite' icons on the articles page.  They look something like:

Database citation icons

4. Organize your research & start writing

For help on the writing process and how to format your writing (5 paragraph essay, lab report etc.) visit the Improve my Learning Skills page - Reading & Writing.


Online Help from UCDSB LCIs

Homework Help for Math (Grades 7-12)

Need help with math?  There is an online help service for that!

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