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Remembrance Day (K-6): Introduction

Aboriginal Veterans Day - November 8th

Suggested Databases

VLC Bookmark

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#RemembranceDay - How will you Remember?

K-Gr. 6: How do I share & stay safe online?

K-Gr. 6: Send us your work

K-Gr. 6: Teacher Resources

K-Gr. 6: How do I find out about my topic?

K-Gr. 6: How do I create & cite my work?

Remembrance Day

Bryan Adams and the Government of Canada (1988)

Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

Click the document link above, for Remembrance Day resources and interactive activities.

WWII Aboriginal Stories

Shawn Hlookoff, Soldier


Remembrance Day in Britain

The National War Memorial

Remembrance Day Poetry


This is a list of story books to assist teachers in exploring the concepts of war & peace with students.  They promote thoughtful discussion beyond just Remembrance Day.